Public Habit

Public Habit

Public Habit is a made-to-order clothing company specializing in high end wool and cashmere products. Fashion, as we know it, is built on a model of planned obsolescence: items either go out of style or break down, forcing the customer to continuously refresh their wardrobe and further perpetuating the wasteful machine of commerce. 

Founder Sydney Badger seeks to flip that obsolete model on its head by only making clothes after the consumer has ordered them, reducing returns, virtually eliminating overstocked inventory, and allowing for optimization of material use and supply chain dynamics by shipping directly from factory to consumer.

Sustainability is a many faceted concept, and as of yet, perfection is still an ambition rather than a crossable rubicon. Sydney sources her materials from high-quality farms in Mongolia and other Asian sources, and manufactures garments in China.

Public Habit is showing the fashion industry how to create supply chains that reduce waste to the benefit of the collective good while always striving to do better.

We interviewed Sydney on our sister podcast, Who's Saving the Planet. Check out the full interview here.